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By scotty
Gary Anderson made a point recently that the 'exotic' style of the hubcaps on the McLaren costs them track width at the front - thereby losing them a slight amount of mechanical grip.

Interestingly, he adds that cars can only use the airflow that comes between the front wheels for downforce, although a percentage of that air has to be used for cooling etc. Therefore, less front track = less downforce.

(I've typed out this last bit, couldn't be arsed to do the whole section)

"In the past, 4mm of track width was worth about 1% downforce, or about 1 tenth. This is critical in the current regulations, as the powerful bargeboards are not there to scavenge and improve the airflow in the area under the chassis."

...great bit of insight from him, pointing out another issue with McLaren's car.
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By McLaren Fan
Gary Anderson talks a lot of sense. I enjoy hearing what he has to say. He's a fellow Ulsterman as well. :)
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By bud
obviously McLaren would know this information when designing the wheel covers so there must be a trade off somewhere! Ok wonder what their purpose is? Force india have similar setup I noticed in Melbourne!
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By scotty
obviously McLaren would know this information when designing the wheel covers so there must be a trade off somewhere! Ok wonder what their purpose is? Force india have similar setup I noticed in Melbourne!

GA didn't give any suggestions as to what their purpose might be... my guess would be the obvious, that they simply help direct the airflow more effectively around the front wheels, with the extra benefit of being effective around corners.
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By Jabberwocky
I was reading that article in Autosport the other day. I love juicy little bit of info like that

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